At the heart of it

Over the weekend the City of Sheffield hosted the very popular Tramlines Festival. For the past few years we have opened our doors to Tramlines as a music venue and shared hospitality with the bands and audiences.

Many hundreds of people visited us over the weekend and were amazed at the beauty of the venue. For many people this is their first visit to the Cathedral and many interesting conversations were had about God, faith, church and the meaning of life!

Much hard work went into the preparation, set up and management of the weekend, with the greater proportion of it done by Cathedral staff and volunteers.

The Cathedral is at the heart of the City and events like this strengthen our place and our contribution to the musical culture and leisure offered to the people of Sheffield and visitors.

I was delighted to be part of it and to see the Cathedral offering hospitality as ‘a place for all people’.

Being at the heart of the City and sharing in events such as this we have an opportunity to touch people’s heart, in surprising ways, with the love of God.

In Christ

Canon Keith Farrow
Canon Missioner