Chapter Meeting: May 2023

Read the update from Chapter’s meeting in May 2023.


The Finance Manager and Cathedral Treasurer gave an update on the Cathedral’s current financial position and quarter one performance.  The Finance Manager also provided information about three legacy’s that have been left to the Cathedral Chapter.  How people can give to the cathedral was discussed including the position of the contactless payment machines and the ways in which the congregation and visitors can be given opportunities to give. 

The Treasurer also gave Chapter a breakdown of the revised 2023 budget which has been reconsidered given the positive start to 2023.

The Sheffield Cathedral Enterprise accounts were also reviewed and feedback was given to Chapter from recent Sheffield Cathedral Enterprise Board Meeting.

Risk Register

The cathedral’s risk register was shared with Chapter and it was agreed that this would be owned by the Senior Management Team who will review it regularly and will present it to Chapter on a quarterly basis.


The Chapter Safeguarding Lead provided an update on recent activities related to safeguarding in the cathedral and the work being done with safeguarding advisors being located in the cathedral and engaging with the wider team through attendance at briefings and whole team meetings. 

Cathedrals Measure

The Chief Operating Officer gave Chapter an update on progress on implementing the Cathedral Measure and the latest draft Constitution and Statutes were reviewed and feedback noted to give back to the solicitors supporting the drafting of new legal documents.

Canon Missioner Recruitment

Dean Abi gave an update to Chapter about an offer that has been made to a prospective Canon Missioner which is now being considered.

The next meeting scheduled for 26 June 2023.