Chapter Meeting: January 2023

Read the update from Chapter’s meeting in January 2023.


An overview of November’s Management Accounts was provided by the Finance Manager followed by a summary of unconfirmed figures for December by the Treasurer.  It was noted that there are 3 major repairs scheduled with a considerable cost implication – these relate to the roof, the entrance doors and the lift.  A discussion around accessibility took place and the Chief Operating Officer is to consider ways in which currently inaccessible spaces may be made accessible moving forward.

The Treasurer also gave an update from the recent Finance Committee meeting around the cathedrals banking arrangements and plans moving forward.

The financial position of Sheffield Cathedral Enterprises was also reviewed.


Property Review

The Chief Operating Officer was asked to report back to Chapter around expert advice on how Chapter are best to manage the properties currently owned and a strategy for future plans with new residentiary canons due in the coming years.



The Chapter Safeguarding Lead gave an update as to the existing structures in place and Dean Abi gave Chapter a reminder of the current arrangement for local Cathedral Safeguarding Committee feeding into the Diocesan Safeguarding Management Group.


Chief Operating Officer’s Report

The Chief Operating Officer gave an update on work ongoing to appoint a new HR/Employment Law firm which is entering its final stages.  A short update was provided about the Cathedral’s current Net Zero/Eco-Church position. It was confirmed that we have registered as an Eco-Church but have not yet achieved the Bronze Award. 


Archer Project Lease

The Chief Operating Officer provided an update that work is ongoing to get the lease signed and that this should be resolved in the coming weeks.


Live Streaming

A summary of a proposal made to install Live Streaming and digital infrastructure was shared with Chapter and feedback was provided that the Chief Operating Officer and Development Manager will take back to the contractor for comment and review.


Bishop’s Statement

Chapter welcomed the statement written by the Bishop Pete with regards his visitation and it was agreed that this would be released in due course.  Chapter asked Dean Abi to thank Bishop Pete for the statement.  It was agreed that former Chapter members should be sent the statement directly once it was being made public.

Annual Programme

The Chief Operating Officer discussed with Chapter the need to return to a coordinated annual schedule to ensure all areas of Cathedral life are given due attention and scrutiny.  It was agreed that this would be reviewed with consideration given to the impact of the Cathedrals Measure 2021 implementation.

The next meeting scheduled for 27th February 2023.