Chapter Updates: March

In March Chapter continued their discussions on working through the actions out of the Bishop’s Determination, looking at the areas that still needed addressing.

Chapter did not hold a meeting in February.  

In looking at finance, Chapter were able to note that the 2021 year-end was looking close to break-even, but much would depend on the year-end adjustments made for investments and and any revaluations.

Chapter management accounts at the end of February 2022 showed a virtual break-even position, which was excellent as Chapter expected to be in a deficit position at this stage in the year. It was noted that the Sheffield Burgesses grant would remain the same as 2021. Des Scott stated that the Finance Committee had looked at finance risk areas for the coming year and scenario planned ways of addressing any potential shortfall in income. The one major area of concern was individual/congregational giving and voluntary donations. Chapter were informed that the SMT were looking at ways to encourage growth. These included the Parish Giving Scheme, which the Diocese is already linked into, and the tap and go systems, as many people no longer carry cash. Thirdly, they had agreed to start using the gift aid envelopes for the services. Chapter commended the senior team not only for the work on income but their control of costs.

The Enterprise had a slow start to the year but has been gradually picking up with more and more people coming back to town. It had also been helped by the events returning to the Cathedral.

The Dean explained that they were working toward three key appointments this year. The COO (Des Scott was here only on an interim basis); the Canon Missioner post, left vacant by Keith Farrow’s moving to West Barnsley; and the permanent Director of Music post, currently held on an interim basis by Ian Seddon. Ongoing discussions were taking place at Senior Management Team as to how these roles would fit into the wider Cathedral community so that, as they build the senior team, they all have the complimentary skills needed for the development of the Cathedral life. The job description etc. for the COO would go to Chapter in April to allow recruitment before the current interim finishes.

The Bishop’s Advisor for Inter-Faith Affairs, Casey Strine, is to be appointed as Minor Canon Theologian for the Cathedral. This is a very positive appointment and will help link the Cathedral with the university and, with his experience in inter-faith work, will help bring breadth and depth to the life to the Cathedral.

Junior Church
Junior Church will begin again on Mothering Sunday.  The Dean is seeking to build up the team of trained volunteers and helpers so this can become a regular activity

Interim COO Report
The Interim COO reported that work on the Archer Project lease was still progressing, and it was hoped to have it signed off soon.

In the light of the changed times for evening prayer, to 5pm, Chapter agreed to move their meetings to 3pm and then join in with evening prayer at 5pm. This will be reviewed again when recruiting for new members, as not everyone will be available in the afternoons if they are working.

Chapter agreed the revised safeguarding policy. It had not changed significantly but was updated in a few small areas. It sets out the relationship with Diocese for safeguarding and changed contact details. Canon Geoffrey Harbord remains Chapter Safeguarding Lead; Sally Holding and Angela Rees are Safeguarding Ambassadors. Sian Checkley, the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer, is the named Safeguarding Lead for the Cathedral, and is supported by the rest of the Diocesan safeguarding team. The new policy will be circulated to staff and put on the website in due course. Chris Carrington, the Volunteers Manager, had been allocated the Safeguarding Administrator role and will take a lead in making sure DBS checks and training are carried out and records kept up to date for both staff and volunteers.

Risk Register
Chapter reviewed the strategic risk register. This is done on a quarterly basis and enables Chapter to monitor changing risks and identify new ones. 

Live Streaming
John Holding stepped in to enable the Cathedral to have live streaming through the pandemic. This would come to an end at Easter. Papers had been prepared for the equipment needed for the Cathedral to run its own live streaming, but it had been decided it needed to be part of a bigger discussion on filming and audio-visual, which would cover events and other activities, and for which funding would need to be sought. The Cathedral were grateful and indebted to John and wanted some appropriate way to mark their thanks. It was agreed that John would be kept up to date with things as they progress, and he was happy to be involved in whatever way he could.

Relaxing of Covid Measures
The Dean reported that the common cup has now been re-introduced at the Eucharist, but people are free to choose whether or not to partake of it. Uptake so far has been around 50%. With regard to the sharing of the Peace, this needs to be given more thought. It is much more difficult for people to opt out without embarrassment. Dean Abi is considering ways in which it might be brought back but done differently, so that people feel comfortable. It was suggested that the reintroduction of coffee after the service might meet that growing desire to interact and socialise.

The next meeting was scheduled for 25th April.