Chapter Updates: April 2022

Read the update from Chapter’s April 2022 meeting.


The end of year accounts summary for 2021 was delivered to Chapter.  Income for the first half of the year was markedly down but recovered considerably in the latter half of the year, largely thanks to the Christmas light show and other seasonal events.  The final position was therefore encouraging.  The overall analysis from the Auditors highlighted no major concerns.

Appointment of Permanent COO

Chapter are happy with the content and presentation of the Application Pack.  The post will be advertised very soon.

Cathedral Music

The Dean is deliberately taking some time over the development of the Music Department, as she wishes to gain a true understanding of where the Cathedral is currently, and how music will fit within thew overall picture of what the Cathedral offers.  To this end, the Dean is in conversation with the Cathedral Music Trust. 

Interim COO Report

The Interim COO highlighted the significant number of visitors to the Cathedral during Holy Week, which coincided with the first week of the school holidays for many in the surrounding area.  Over the course of three days, more than 1,500 people visited the Cathedral, many of them being families with young children who engaged in the Easter activities.

The next meeting was scheduled for 30th May.