Making a splash!

It has not gone unnoticed that the Font has been moved into the centre of the Nave of the Cathedral.

For many visitors this has been a source of consternation. More over, it is full of water, which increases the level of curiosity! One person placed their hand in the font and on feeling the water quickly withdrew. With a look of shock they immediately apologised in case, "it was Holy water!" I told them it was indeed Holy water and splashed my hand about in it encouraging them to do the same. 

On the Sunday immediately after Epiphany we celebrated the Baptism of Christ and the revelation that he was God’s Anointed one. We gathered around the font to recall this and also to affirm our baptism vows. The Font is a powerful symbol of the calling and vocation of all baptised believers; to shine as a light in the world to the glory of God the Father. It is a symbol of the beginning of our journey of faith and our response to the call of Christ to follow him. 

Let me encourage you, in this season of Epiphany, to go to the Font and have a splash about! The water is a gift for you and a reminder of our calling to love and serve the Lord in the world. 

We make a splash at the Font so we can make a splash in the world witnessing to God’s love in Christ. 

Go in peace to love and serve the lord, in the name of Christ. 

Canon Keith Farrow
Canon Missioner