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Holy Week and Easter at Sheffield Cathedral

We would love you to join us at one of our services during Holy Week and Easter.

Palm Sunday Eucharist - Sunday 14th April 10:30
Liturgy of the Palms and Palm Sunday Eucharist

We gather together at the start of our journey through Holy Week, beginning with the Blessing of the Palms on the Cathedral Square, and including a dramatic and reflective reading of the story of The Passion.

Palm Sunday Evensong - Sunday 14th April 16:00
Palm Sunday Choral Evensong

Our choir guides us through this ancient evening liturgy as we reflect further together on the emerging themes of Holy Week and the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem with powerful and wonderful music.

Monday in Holy Week - Monday 15th April 19:00
Diocesan Chrism Eucharist

We join with those in ministry across the Diocese of Sheffield as we renew our commitment to shared witness and bless and receive the oils used in the coming year.

Tuesday in Holy Week - Tuesday 16th April 19:30
Compline and Reflection

A quiet and reflective space to be still in the midst of Holy Week. A simple office with opportunity for reflection, supported by beautiful music.

Wednesday in Holy Week - Wednesday 17th April 19:30
Compline and Reflection

Space again to reflect on the narrative of Holy Week as the themes unfold.

Maundy Thursday Eucharist - Thursday 18th April 19:30
Eucharist of the Last Supper and Stripping of the Altars

We gather to recall the events surrounding the Last Supper. We share in the washing of feet and we finish in stillness as we are reminded of our own dependence on God and how the events we remember affect us today.

The Vigil of the Watch will follow immediately until midnight for those who wish to stay. As the disciples gathered with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, so we gather together in stillness and in the presence of Christ for a time of quiet prayer and reflection.

Good Friday - Friday 19th April 10:00 - 11:00
Godly Play’s Jerusalem Story

Join us for a story about Holy Week using a large wooden model of Jerusalem. The story is suitable for adults and children aged 7+.

Good Friday - Friday 19th April 12:00 - 13:30
Preaching the Cross

We gather in the Cathedral as the familiar story of Good Friday is explored through a series of talks and time for reflection and song.

Good Friday - Friday 19th April 13:30 - 15:00
Good Friday Liturgy

As the events of Holy Week head to a conclusion we gather in the Cathedral to remember the death of Jesus on the Cross and to hold onto the hope we share.

Easter Eve - Saturday 20th April 20:00
Easter Vigil, Easter Ceremonies and Baptism and Confirmation

Our Easter bonfire and the procession of the Paschal Candle mark the beginning of our celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Join us with the candidates to be baptised and confirmed as we celebrate and proclaim our joy with thanksgiving.

Easter Day - Sunday 21st April 08:00
Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer

We gather in stillness on Easter morning for a celebration of Holy Communion using the traditional and reflective words of the Book of Common Prayer 1662.

Easter Day - Sunday 21st April 10:30
Easter Day Orchestral Eucharist

Our choirs and an orchestra lead us celebrating Easter in the Cathedral. All are very welcome to join us for this, the main celebration of Easter, with stunning music and festive refreshments.

Easter Day - Sunday 21st April 16:00
Easter Choral Evensong

We conclude our celebrations on Easter Day as our choirs lead us in thanksgiving and praise. Using the familiar words of Evensong we will hear again the Easter story and find opportunity to reflect and pray.